
Insinyur jasa luar negeri. Mastikeun kualitas mesin sareng jasa anu saé saatosna.



Pabrikan tina kisaran anu paling lengkep sareng rombongan rotor anu leutik



Pasang ISO9001 Formulir Fakti ISTIFORE, DAPATKEUN STIRD.


Peralatan Tysim CO., LTD.

Tysim nyaéta perusahaan pilang moderen anu fokus kana R & D sareng pabrik pilakan pil pilar pil pilar. Tysim is a board member of the National Foundation Construction Machinery Standard Committee, a committee member of the sub-committee of the China Construction Machinery Association. Tysim has been certified as a high-tech enterprise since 2015, and passed both the ISO9001 quality system certification and the privately owned science and technology enterprise certification. During the 3rd batch of such certification, it was qualified as one of the National Specialized Innovative “Little Giant” Enterprises in 2021.

Diajar deui

KAMIDi dunya

Rigs ngebur henteu ngan ukur cocog pikeun sagala proyék konstruksi Sipatisions sareng Urban. Éta ogé cocog pikeun hiji sirop, vouguct sareng rlevelalmentata proyék perimpulan. Featuring high efficiency and reliable performance, the KR series of small drilling rigs have gained excellent recognitionsin both China and abroad.TYSIM products have been exported in batches to Australia, Singapore,Russia, Thailand, Argentina, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Qatar, Zambia and more than 40 countries. In tandem with the advancement of the Chinese construction industry to the next higher level, TYSIM drilling rigs will become the optimal machinery for the urbanization infrastructure and redevelopmrnt constructions.

Pangalaman pangalaman

Nagara patén


Pabrikan peralatan konstruksi jalan sareng
Perstemén Mosim Co., Ltd. sacara khusus dina R & D, Pabrik sareng penjualan Mesin Mumput. Bagean. Tysim focuses on the R&D and manufacturing of pile machinery, and it is the sole enterprise in China which is dedicated in the development of small and medium-sized rotary drilling rig for civil engineering. Perusahaan parantos ngagaduhan langkung ti 40 patén pikeun produk mesin pop. TYSIM has a team composed of senior researchers and technicians in the industry, and has established internationally advanced R&D system and technology platform. Kalayan sistem manajemén sareng industri mana anu daya tarik sareng konsep, ngagebol ngajaga ningkatkeun kualitas produk sareng ngawangun daya saing inti. The company has established long-term cooperative relationship with scientific research institutes of famous domestic universities like Tianjin University, which provides powerful and lasting technology support for TYSIM's long-term development.
Alliance of Pilling Industry Elites of China (APIE for short) was founded in Wuxi in December 2016. The APIE was founded through gathering leading enterprises in segmentation products of pile works industry as a result of responding to encouragement and inspiration from "Fusion Shared and Unified Development" put forward by leaders such as Huang Zhiming and Guo Chuanxin etc. of Branch Association of Pile Works under China Construction Machinery Association. Apie bareng diurus ku genep enterprication tina parangkat pangan TYSIM CO., LTD sareng Pelayanan anu aya hubunganana.